1976-1979 Statens Scenskola i Stockholm (Stockholm University of the Arts)
Boule Petanque /Hög (klubb)nivå: SM: bronsmedalj, DM: 2 guld, 3 silver, 5 brons
Drama Teacher at Calle Flygare
Drama Teacher at Sigtuna Humanistiska
Previous other professional experience as caretaker and computer operator
60s-70s Artist/Musician in “Rospiggarna”. Partly as a show group and also as a dance band: Tours in Sweden
2003 RIKSTEATERNS STORA HEDERSPRIS from Hans Ullbergs Stipendiefond
1998 Winner of Fiction for THE INTERROGATION (FÖRHÖRET) at Special Prix Italia
1984 RIKSTEATERNS STORA SKÅDESPELARSTATYETT for Årets skådespelarprestation